A soldier can’t go in a house without permission by owner.
Member of the National Guard are soldier governed by the strictures of the third amendment.
Even before the revolutionary war the government passed 2 sepenet.
Now in 1765 this quartering act was set down.
Deal was made because of what the soldiers did.
Many times the soldiers were put in inns, stables, and ale houses.
Even though we don’t us this any more it suggests that we have the right to privacy.
National Guards might of violated this Amendment.
Today there is no real meaning for this law but it was necessarywhen it was made.
The soldier has to ask to go in a house.
Houses may not have soldiers in them without permission.
Ratified on December 15, 1791
Even though the British at the time was aloud to do everyone hated it
Engblom made the issue of it New York violated this law
Excellent poem!